
Saturday 10 August 2013

Walk along Promenade

It's a good 30 min walk down to Bloomfield Road, as there's plenty of time I thought it'd be a good idea to stroll down the Prom. I've only gone 5 mins and WOW, well eventful. A Scouse girl walking along tapping away on her phone, and then bang! straight into a lamp post, head first. Went down as though shot by a sniper. And talk about tears? It's hard not to laugh because she really was upset.
I'm now in Coral Island, having another beer, it's amazing how many people are in here throwing their money away in the gaming machines. Each to their own I suppose. Never understood it really, although in their defence it isn't exactly beach weather today so they'll have to find something to do. I suppose they could say the same about me drinking my afternoon away.
I know I sound like a snob, but I'm not really. So long as people are happy doing what they do then it's ok by me.

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